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Title text: 2010-10-21




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Sending monogamous couples on long space trips is dangerous psychologically.
And heterosexual couples always carry the risk of pregnancy.
The only possible solution for long space voyages was to find non-monogamous gay astronauts.
Which is what sparked Kennedy's famous speech.
We will find the gayest crew possible gayer than any crew the soviets have yet dreamt! We choose to send a gay spaceship to the moon in this decade. Not because k is gay, but because it is hard.
And Khruschev's infamous response.
Our cosmonauts are the gayest in the world! They will ride into space like big gay cossacks gaying their way across the eastern steppes. We will bury you! Bury you in gayness!
It is an immutable fact of space travel that hasn't yet been circumvented. Even modern day NASA must obey this law of psychology.
We hope to reach mars in 20 years. Ifwe can find astronauts gay enough for such a perilous journey.
Please teach our son actual history.
First he has to know how it should have been.
Space history

Votey Transcript[edit]

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Are you fantasizing about big gay cossacks?

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