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Title text: 2013-03-16




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[Three panels arranged vertically.]
[Panel 1: Thomas Wyatt.]
Thomas Wyatt: They flee from me that sometimes did me seek,
with naked foot stalking in my chamber.
I have seen them gentle, tame and meek,
that now are wild and do not remember.
[Panel 2: A person is shown looking up, with hands cupped around their mouth so as to amplify their voice.]
Person: Maybe it's because you're in a giant robot exoskeleton now, Sir Thomas Wyatt.
[Panel 3: Thomas Wyatt in a giant robot exoskeleton, firing a laser from a cannon below at the person who is shown disintegrating in a red burst.]

Votey Transcript

[Captioned "Me drawing on a tablet for the first time", Zach drawing at a tablet.]
Zach: I'm a hacker now...

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