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2010-05-20 |
Title text: 2010-05-20 |
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This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts describe what happens in each panel — here are some good examples to get you started (1) (2). |
- [Describe panel here]
- Professor thorne realized time travel is possible in this universe.
- -(1+G) ):-(1+GM/2ct) (drt K2
- But he wondered where all the time travelers were.
- So professor thorne threw the most perfect party in history.
- Nacho cheez
- Beer
- Sure enough, they began to show up
- In fact, everyone who ever figured out time travel showed up
- 0
- They showed up so fast, the party couldn't hold them.
- Apt
- 1133
- O
- The crush of people was so dense, it became a black hole.
- Caption: Time travel is no longer possible in this universe.
Votey Transcript
This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts describe what happens in each panel — here are some good examples to get you started (1) (2). |
- [Describe panel here]
- Cheese and beer, you say?
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