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Title text: 2009-12-11




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[Describe panel here]
Each generation has had some form of bigotry to reject, but then ironically harbors a bigotry that the following generation must reject.
What sort of bigotry do you think our kids will see in us.
I think we may be the last. We accept gender, race, sexual orientation.
Wouldn't that be wonderful?
My daughter ain't marryin' no zorblaxian!
Still later..
My daughter ain't marryin no robot!
Yet still later.
My daughter ain't marryin no sentient plasmoid!
Even still later..
My daughter ain't marryin no consciousness embedded in the fabric,of spacetime!
And finally.
I'm the universe that spawned you. And I say who you can marry!
I'm myown universe, dad! And I love him!
But he's 96% dark matter!

Votey Transcript[edit]

Ambox notice.png This transcript was generated by a bot: The text was scraped using AWS's Textract, which may have errors. Complete transcripts should also describe what happens in each panel.
[Describe panel here]
Dear scientists: I'm aware that it should say "roughly" 96% dark matter and dark energy. It's o.K. You don't have to e-mail me.
I still love you
Xoxo, zach.

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