Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

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Revision as of 18:54, 8 October 2024 by TinyPonies (talk | contribs) (Links fixed)
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SMBC is a webcomic created by Zach Weinersmith in 2002. The comic is hosted on, where it is described as "a daily comic strip about life, philosophy, science, mathematics, and dirty jokes".

Many comics have title text (aka alt text or hovertext or mouseover text) which appears when hovering the cursor over the comic, and supplements the joke. Zach began to add title text in the mid 2010s.[citation needed][more precise]

The blog is a section below the comic where Zach occasionally writes additional information about the comic or current events in SMBC. SMBC also has a forum and comments section.


Originally hosted on Hiveworks, the comic was moved to its own site on March 09, 2005, where it has been ever since.

On July 28, 2005, SMBC was cancelled. It was uncancelled on August 30, 2005.[citation needed][wait what?]

Zach's first post-baby comic drawn was 2014-03-26, according to the blog, though it's unclear if he means that he drew it after Ada was born or published it after Ada was born.

On March 4, 2015, SMBC switched to a new server and the website layout changed, and comics were identified by titles instead of dates, starting with your-dreams. Title text was added, but it only displayed the comic's title. [1] [2]


Main article: Votey

The votey is a bonus panel that supplements the joke, viewable by clicking a red button below the comic. The votey was added in its current form in November 2006, though Zach has gone back to add voteys to strips without them.

Comment section

The comment section was added in March 2023, beginning with Paradise-2.[1]. It is powered by Hyvor Talk, and allows anyone to react to the comic with an emoji: 🔥 superb, 😍 love, 😲 wow, 😢 sad, 😂 laugh, or 😡 angry. Anyone who creates an account can also leave a comment and reply to comments, and is identified by a @Username and profile picture.