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Best suggestion for another point will receive 12 Internet Points.
Title text: Best suggestion for another point will receive 12 Internet Points.


1500305108-20170713after (1).png


Ambox notice.png This explanation is either missing or incomplete.


Mathematical fun fact: For each of the infinite possible espresso-to-milk ratios, there exists at least one Italian-sounding name
[A 1-D graph plotting ratios from left to right]
[Far left] Just milk
1:3 "Latte"
1:2 "Cappuccino"
1:1 "Antoccino"
2:1 "Macchiato"
3:1 "Antilatte"
[Far right] Just espresso
[Below the line]
1:c2 "Relativisto"
(espresso+milk)/espresso=espresso/milk "Phicetto"
i:1 "Imaginarati"
π:1 "Irratiognito"
6.022⋅1023:1 "Avogadro"
limmilk→0espresso/milk "Infiniccino"

Votey Transcript[edit]

I'm sorry they're not all ratios but I couldn't help it!

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