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Anything is Turing-complete if you're willing to be patient.
Title text: Anything is Turing-complete if you're willing to be patient.




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[Autogenerated transcript]
And thus, for only 4 trillion dollars, give or take, we can construct the interstellar cannon, giving us the power to direct powerful energy beams at distant exoplanets.
By choosing a precise surface target, we can either raise or lower their albedo, effectively giving us the ability to mark any object in the milky way with an up or down state.
Wow! So maybe we could use this to communicate with aliens or something?
Why would you want to do that? What would be the point?
Well then, but if not that then... then...
We can run doom on the galaxy.

Votey Transcript[edit]

[Autogenerated transcript]
It will encourage the survival of civilization because you'll want to get to a good save point, which will take millennia.

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