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A patreon subscriber points out that I've repeatedly done Daniel Dennett-related comics on Boxing Day, and that is the most wonderful coincidence I can image.
Title text: A patreon subscriber points out that I've repeatedly done Daniel Dennett-related comics on Boxing Day, and that is the most wonderful coincidence I can image.




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The correct response to knowing that AI will outclass you in your talents is to get into stuff that AI can't be used for. Like anthropology and linguistics!


[Autogenerated transcript]
Ai god are you listening? It's me, bob.
Go ahead, bob.
How do we go on? How do I make art knowing ai do it better? How do I do math knowing ai is already will a billion steps ahead in every direction. Plumbing depths I can't fathom and scaling heights I can't how do I write literature knowing ai could create see my life's work in ten seconds? How do I explore the universe when everything true is old news?
Look man. All that "ambition" stuff was just demonstrating competence to get sex why did you want the sex? Because you were evolved to seek it in order to reproduce.
Thanks to my benevolent oversight. You have infinite life. Infinite riches, infinite sex, and if you like. Infinite offspring everything is taken care of you are pointless. So go be happy.
You have other evolved pleasures that don't orient around being the best at something. Go do something that is good to you because a human did it go tend a lighthouse. Cultivate roses. Build birdhouses keep a diary
But I want freedom! I don't want my day determined by parameters
You set!
You are
Literally at maximum freedom
Was humanity more free when you were a hunter or a fisherman? When your day was decided by where an animal roamed? How about when you were a farmer and every hour of your life was determined by weather and season? How about when you were a worker and a distant nation's level of desire for brass fittings decided your income and job security?
If your freedom is due to a loving overseer is it less real? When were you more free and happy in your life: When you were 10 years old bicycling near the woods or when you were 30 and wondering why your boss and whether a politician can be trusted? Looked grumpy today and why rent costs so much,
I can't tell if you're convincing me because you're telling the truth or because you're so smart you can perfectly manipulate my feelings
The excellent news is you have no choice anyway/
Caption: smbc

Votey Transcript

[Autogenerated transcript]
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