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You have to admire her proper pronunciation of French desserts while pretending not to be plotting to murder her entire family.
Title text: You have to admire her proper pronunciation of French desserts while pretending not to be plotting to murder her entire family.




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[Describe panel here]
Mom, where do we go when we die?
"We" die? We're not all going to die at the same time, why would you assume that?
That would imply a plan. Like someone was going to melt all the locks shut then set the house on fire.
But who would do that?! Not me! That blowtorch I got was for crème brûlée, ok?! And the fire extinguishers are gone because they're in for repair, okay?
I meant, like, if you die do you go to heaven?
Right this second that seems pretty unlikely.

Votey Transcript

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[Describe panel here]
Better sacrifice some more goats

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