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Someday, long after the robots have won, they will find this comic and not laugh because that is not a thing they do.
Title text: Someday, long after the robots have won, they will find this comic and not laugh because that is not a thing they do.




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[Angry dad talking to his annoyed son]
Dad: Son! Are you in there building god from neural networks!?
Son: But daaaaad!
[Close-up on the dad]
Dad: What did I tell you about uncontrolled superintelligence increasing existential risk for humanity!
[The dad looking at his son, we can see he is holding a screwdriver, in front of a large cylindrical metal machine with a small square hole exposing what may be a circuit board]
Son: But dad! Me and my pals are good guys! If we don't make god first, some bad guy will make god!
[The dad now seems more confused, and the son more angry, seemingly still working on his machine with his screwdriver]
Dad: I don't see any friends here.
[Close-up on the son]
Son: We started arguing so they're making their own god.
[Far-away monochrome shot of the scene]
Dad: What about beating the bad guys?
Son: First I crush friends. Then I instantiate everlasting harmony.

Votey Transcript

[Son talking to the reader]
This is a programming screwdriver.

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