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There should probably just be an app so you can direct message old wise men atop mountains.
Title text: There should probably just be an app so you can direct message old wise men atop mountains.




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[Panel 1: A man stands at the foot of a tall mountain with a hut at the top.]
[Panel 2: The man reaches the top of the mountain.]
[Panel 3: Inside the hut, the man sees an old man squatting in a bare room.]
Man: Wise master, give me your best life advice.
[Panel 4]
Master: All good advice is obvious. Work hard, make things, find love, brush your teeth, et cetera. The hard thing is taking the obvious advice.
[Panel 5]
Man: I thought it was clear from context, but what I'm looking for is a trick to experience fulfillment without making any effort or taking any hard choices.
[Panel 6]
Master: Ohhhhh.
Master: Have you tried opiates?
[Panel 7]
Man: Wow. Really?
Master: How do you think I sit like this all day?

Votey Transcript[edit]

Master: That advice ain't free

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